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  Coramen. A tiny walled town of tile-roofed stone buildings and half a dozen stone docks, on the east bank of the River Eldar in Altara. It was an important crossing point, and a ferry ran between it and Alkindar, on the other side of the Eldar. Luca’s show took the ferry across the river from Alkindar to Coramen, and set up camp outside the town.

  Coramoor, the. The Sea Folk name for the Chosen One, whom they had sought as a herald of a new Age and found in the person of Rand al’Thor.

  Corana. An Aiel Maiden of the Spear who accompanied Rand to Caemlyn when he took Fedwin Morr there. She also accompanied Bashere and Flinn to a meeting with the Seanchan and reported that the Seanchan were flaunting captured Shaido Wise Ones. She had graying hair and was nearly as leather-faced as Sulin. She treated Rand like an older first-brother.

  Corartheren. An Ogier-built city in Manetheren, one of the Ten Nations formed after the Breaking.

  Corbesan, Jorlen. An Aes Sedai from before the Breaking who made wondrous ter’angreal; he was killed when the Sharom was destroyed.

  Corbet. A Youngling. He was one of the youngest among them and was always looking for something to do to prove himself.

  Cordamora Palace. The royal palace of Saldaea, in Maradon.

  Cordese Hills. A landform west of Ebou Dar.

  Cords, Sergeant. A watch sergeant with Bryne’s army. He was overweight, with red stubble on his chin. He refused to fetch Bryne when Gawyn arrived, treating him as a potential recruit and refusing to listen to him. Gawyn persisted, Cords reached for his sword, and Gawyn quickly disarmed him.

  Cordwyn, Evard. See Evard Cordwyn

  corea. A musical instrument that Asmodean played during the Age of Legends.

  coreer. A venomous snake in the Age of Legends.

  Corehuin. One of two Aiel wives of Mandelain, the Daryne clan chief. Her sister-wife was Jair. Corehuin traveled with Mandelain to the wetlands; Jair stayed in the Waste, and they both wanted to see her again before they woke from the dream.

  Corele Hovian. A Murandian Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who was uncommitted to any contingent. She had a strength level of 18(6). Born in 876 NE, she went to the White Tower in 894 NE. After seven years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 906 NE. She was 5'5½" tall, with a very slender, boyish build. Her thick black eyebrows and a mass of raven hair gave her something or a wild appearance no matter how neatly she dressed. Her eyes were blue, and the tip of her nose turned up. She always seemed amused and often had a joking way of speaking; she had a lilting voice. Along with Samitsu Tamagowa, she was considered one of the best at Healing, although Samitsu was better. Corele was one of the uncommitted Aes Sedai Rand found in Cairhien after Dumai’s Wells; she was following Cadsuane Melaidhrin.

  Corele, along with Samitsu and Damer Flinn, helped to Heal Rand after he was stabbed with the Shadar Logoth dagger. She bonded Damer Flinn as her Warder shortly after the attack on Rand when he returned to Cairhien. When Alanna collapsed for unknown reasons, Corele tried to Heal her but was unsuccessful. She accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and to Shadar Logoth. While Rand was cleansing the taint, Corele linked with Damer and Sarene and fought Demandred; they were successful in driving him away. Corele accompanied Rand to the Pendaloan estate in Tear and to Tellaen’s estate in Arad Doman. She was one of the sisters holding the shield on Semirhage when Shaidar Haran came to free Semirhage; he put Corele in a trance to incapacitate her, but she recovered and went with Rand to Bandar Eban, Falme and the Stone of Tear. During the Last Battle, Corele Healed the injured at Berelain’s palace.

  Corelna. An Aiel Wise One who could not channel. She was a green-eyed hawk of a woman with gray heavy in her flaxen hair. She didn’t believe that Arilyn was an Aes Sedai spy.

  Coremanda. One of the Ten Nations after the Breaking. Its capital was Shaemal, and its king at the signing of the Compact was Ladoman. One of its cities, Hai Caemlyn, was the predecessor of Caemlyn.

  Corenne. Old Tongue word meaning “The Return.” It was the name given by the Seanchan both to the fleet of thousands of ships and to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, craftsmen and others carried by those ships, who came behind the Forerunners to reclaim the lands stolen from Artur Hawkwing’s descendants. The Corenne was led by Captain-General Lunal Galgan.

  corenroot. A medicinal herb that helped make blood.

  Corevin. A Cairhienin Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand. He was thickly muscled with a big nose and small eyes, a tattoo of a leopard and a boar on one arm, and a lion and a naked woman on the other. He was one of the few men Mat knew who could drink Ebou Dari ale in the heat—or at all, for that matter. Injured in a fight with a fish-seller in Ebou Dar, he died in the Rahad fighting Black Ajah and Darkfriends on the mission to retrieve the Bowl of the Winds.

  Corgaide Marendevin. The head of the servants, known as the Holder of the Keys, at the Sun Palace in Cairhien. She was 5'2" tall, grave-faced and gray-haired, and wore no ornament except for the heavy ring of keys at her waist. The first real crack in Samitsu’s authority in Caemlyn was when Corgaide began recognizing Sashalle as above Samitsu.

  Corianin Nedeal. An Aes Sedai from almost five hundred years before the Last Battle. She was a Dreamer who left notes on Tel’aran’rhiod and on various ter’angreal that she had studied. She died in 526 NE.

  Coride. A pale-haired novice in the White Tower who looked up to Egwene after Egwene had been captured by the Tower Aes Sedai. She was a year younger than Egwene, but was still immature after a year and a half in the Tower. Egwene comforted her after she saw a ghost.

  Corin Ayellin. A slim Two Rivers woman with a thick gray braid that hung below her waist. She was one of the best cooks in Emond’s Field, second only to Marin al’Vere, and Marin said that Corin’s sweets were better than hers. She could not abide thieves. Nynaeve stole a pie from her at age sixteen, her hair already in a braid, on a dare from Nela Thane. Nynaeve walked out the door straight into Mistress Ayellin, who strapped her so soundly Nynaeve remembered it as a grown woman.

  Corl, Ander. A bootmaker who lived in the town of Taien in the Jangai Pass. He, his wife, Aril, and his brother-in-law, Tal Nethin, survived the Shaido attack on their town.

  Corlan Dashiva. The Forsaken Aginor/Osan’gar’s Asha’man persona. He was supposedly from an isolated farming village in the Black Hills. His attitude toward Taim was not always what it should have been, to keep up appearances; his actions were rarely overt and could be put down to the same degree of madness that had him frequently talking to himself, staring at nothing and laughing to himself at nothing. He was a plain man in his middle years. He wasn’t skinny, but he moved in a hesitant, creeping way, hands folded at his waist, that made him seem so. He guided Damer Flinn toward learning some of the ancient ways of Healing. Rand chose him out after Dumai’s Wells—the last one chosen, seemingly at random—when Taim insisted on Rand having some full Asha’man. It was an example of ta’veren currents working. He stayed with Rand in Cairhien and accompanied Rand to see the Sea Folk in Cairhien. He went to battle the Seanchan in Illian with Rand. After their return to Cairhien, Rand was attacked by saidin there, and Dashiva was discovered with the attackers and forced to flee. Rand ordered Taim to list him among the deserters, with the others whom Taim had already named, Rochaid, Gedwyn, Torval and Kisman. Elza Penfell killed Dashiva at Shadar Logoth when he tried to kill Rand during the cleansing of the taint; she had no idea he was one of the Forsaken. See also Osan’gar

  corlm. A Seanchan exotic species imported from a parallel world. At first glance, it appeared to be a flightless bird with a long neck, thick legs and a sort of double crest on its head. It often stood some six or more feet tall counting the crest. It was covered with long hair, mottled/striped in grays, blacks and or browns, like a common sort of cat. The tail, which it flattened out to stabilize itself when running, was also covered in hair; the double crest was really a pair of upstanding ears which were quite mobile. It had four-toed feet with smallish claws and tiny forea
rms on which the paws had four long “fingers” with longer claws than the hind feet. The arms were usually held close to its body and seldom used except in nest-building and feeding, though its beak was used more often. This beak was large and appeared oversized for its head, which was long and oblong, and was hooked like the beak of a bird of prey; the corlm used the beak for killing. Its two eyes were set on the sides of its head. The corlm laid one egg at time, which often did not hatch. It was a carnivore and an extremely efficient predator, following prey by both scent and sound. Corlm were used for tracking, though never accompanying units mounted on torm; the two animals were mutually antagonistic to a high degree. The corlm was faster than a man in short sprints, and could equal men over longer distances. It was about equal in intelligence to a dog. Corlm appeared to be solitary animals in their natural environment, and were always used singly, as they did not tolerate each other well except at mating. The weight of an adult could be over three hundred pounds. The corlm was controlled both by spoken commands and by using whistles pitched above human hearing.

  Corly, Reanne. See Reanne Corly

  Cormaed. A town in Altara where there was a ferry across the River Eldar into Amadicia. When traveling west after fleeing Caemlyn, Morgase and her group were told that they could get a ferry in Cormaed which would take them to the Amadician side.

  Cormalinde Masoon. A famous sculptor from the Age of Legends whose works, immense stylized humans and animals, were found in the Ansaline Gardens resort.

  Corman. An Aiel of the Mosaada Goshien clan, and a member of Far Aldazar Din (Brothers of the Eagle) warrior society. He had gray eyes, and a white scar slanted across his nose. He gambled at knife-throwing with Mat in Rhuidean. Later he was one of the guards at the Sun Palace in Cairhien.

  Cormanes. A pretty young man Moiraine kissed the night before she left for the Tower.

  Cormer, Marek. A Two Rivers man with Perrin in Ghealdan. Faile noted that he no longer seemed to believe the rumors about Perrin and Berelain.

  Cornwell, Mirlene. See Mirlene Cornwell

  Coron Ford. A place in Arad Doman. Rodel Ituralde told his aide to send a packet to his wife if he didn’t reach Coron Ford in two days, after meeting a group of enemies under the White Ribbon at Lady Osana’s hunting lodge.

  Coronation Festival. A week-long feast held in Cairhien when a new ruler took the throne. The new monarch distributed gifts of coin, food and finery in the city every day. Free access to the city was available to everyone; not even someone under order of arrest could be denied or detained.

  corpse moss. A moss that grew in caves.

  Corrand, Dimana. See Dimana Corrand

  Corvila. A lean Altaran weaver who was gai’shain to the Shaido at Malden. She swore fealty to Faile.

  cosa. An animal that scampered up trees, referred to by Graendal in describing how Sammael would react if Rand chased him out of Illian.

  Cosaida. A sept of the Chareen Aiel.

  Cosain. A lean, yellow-haired Wise One of the Spine Ridge sept of the Miagoma Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 14(2). She went to Dumai’s Wells. When Rand and his party were returning to Cairhien from Dumai’s Wells, Sorilea sent Sotarin and Cosain to meet Feraighin, who came from Cairhien.

  Cosamelle. A town in Ghealdan. Logain said that was where the Red Ajah sisters threatened him and made him become a false Dragon.

  Coteren. A heavyset Asha’man with a blunt face, pudgy cheeks, and long, black, oily hair. One of Taim’s cronies, he liked to bully Androl and called him “pageboy.” He told Androl that Taim had demoted him. During the attempted rescue of Logain, Jonneth killed Coteren with an arrow through the chest.

  Couladin. An Aiel warrior of the Domai sept of the Shaido Aiel and the Seia Doon (Black Eyes) warrior society. He was tall, broad-shouldered, flame-haired and short of his middle years. He had a hawk’s eyes and a sun-dark face and was married to Sevanna. His brother Muradin entered Rhuidean to become clan chief of the Shaido; he did not emerge, and Couladin accused Rand of killing him. Asmodean gave Couladin gold-and-red Dragons on his arms; he tried to claim the title of Car’a’carn. He led the Shaido to the wetlands and took Cairhien. Rand and the other Aiel followed and brought him to battle, where Mat killed Couladin.

  Coulin. He was Master of Arms of the Tower Guard under Hammar at the White Tower. He was killed by Gawyn when Siuan was deposed.

  Coumin. A Da’shain Aiel ancestor of Rand. At age sixteen, he was participating in the seed singing when news arrived that the War of Power had ended. He was running home to tell his grandfather Charn when a townsman named Toma punched him in the mouth because his family had served Lanfear while she was still known as Mierin. When he got home, he found that Charn had been hanged for the same reason. Later in life, Coumin gave up the Way of the Leaf and encouraged other Da’shain Aiel to do so as well.

  Council, Crown High. See Crown High Council

  Council of Elders. The Ogier ruling body of each stedding.

  Council of Lords. An advisory council to the Queen of Saldaea.

  Council of Merchants. A group of the heads of merchant guilds in Arad Doman who were responsible for electing the King. The members were almost always women.

  Council of Nine. The advisory council of lords that jointly ruled with the King in Illian.

  Council of the Anointed, the. The ruling body of the Children of the Light. It was composed of approximately twelve of the highest-ranking and most favored Lords Captain, and presided over by the Lord Captain Commander.

  Council, Supreme. The ruling body of the Black Ajah, composed of thirteen sisters. It was also known as the Great Council of Thirteen.

  Council, Village. Men elected by townsmen and headed by a mayor, responsible for decisions affecting the whole village and interacting with councils of other villages.

  Counsel’s Head, The. The second inn that Rand and his group (Min, Lan, Nynaeve and Alivia) stayed at when they were in Far Madding. Mistress Keane was the innkeeper of this inn suitable for wealthy merchants. They stayed there when Rand was trying to put an end to the Asha’man who had tried to kill him in Cairhien; they were also visited there by Cadsuane and Alanna.

  Counselor, Prime. A high office mentioned by Graendal. It was probably from the Age of Legends.

  Counsels, the. The ruling body of Far Madding. There were thirteen Counsels, with the highest-ranking named the First Counsel. Counsels were always women.

  cour’souvra. An Old Tongue term meaning “mindtrap.” It was a device, cage-like in appearance, applied in the Pit of Doom to one out of favor with the Dark One, and in this world enslaved one totally to whoever held the mindtrap.

  Coura. The mother of Amar who was the mother of Elora, the last being an Ogier author from the time of Artur Hawkwing.

  Court of Takedo. From Mat’s memories, the royal court in Farashelle, one of the nations that had arisen following the Trolloc Wars, which Artur Hawkwing had crushed more than a thousand years in the past.

  Court of the Nine Moons. The seat of the Seanchan Empress.

  Court of the Sun. A Fourth Age court, where Sulamein so Bhagad, who wrote a book called The Wheel of Time, was Chief Historian.

  Court-bard. An entertainer established at a royal palace, vested with a much higher status than a gleeman.

  Courtani. A Banner-General in the Seanchan army; Mat found her unappealing. Tuon chastised her for being slow to help Mat reach the battlefield on the Kandor-Arafel border in the Last Battle.

  Covanen’s First Rule of Medians. A method used by some sisters of the White Ajah to explain logic and empirical truths arithmetically. It was an unproven method, according to other Whites.

  Covarla Baldene. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and of the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 21(9). Born in 919 NE, she went to the White Tower in 936 NE. After nine years as a novice and five as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 950 NE. She had pale hair and a normally implacable face. Covarla was part of the group sent to kidnap Rand a
l’Thor, and was one of the few to escape from Dumai’s Wells. Elaida put her in charge of the sisters in Dorlan who were sent there to conceal facts about the battle from sisters in the Tower. She was unaware of Elaida’s plan for getting rid of the Younglings.

  Covenant of the Ten Nations. Also known as the Second Covenant. The first league of nations, created approximately two hundred years after the Breaking, as a defense against the forces of the Dark One. It lasted eight hundred years, until the Trolloc Wars began. The Compact was largely the work of the legendary Queen Mabriam en Shereed of Aramaelle, who was also an Aes Sedai.

  Covenant, the. A promise of the early Aiel, the Da’shain, to serve the Aes Sedai and to follow the Way of the Leaf, a pacific way of life.

  Covenry, Sahra. See Sahra Covenry

  Covril daughter of Ella daughter of Soong. Loial’s mother, and a respected speaker. Her sister Voniel was Elder Haman’s wife. A head shorter than Elder Haman, who was 10'5" tall, she had more delicate features than he, and her eyebrows were not as long or thick. Covril, Elder Haman and Erith set out to find Loial so that he and Erith could be married. They went to Caemlyn, where they marked stedding on maps for Rand, and accompanied him to Shadar Logoth to close the Waygate. Rand took them to the Two Rivers, but Loial had already left. They finally caught up with Loial at Algarin’s manor, and Covril witnessed the wedding. When she objected to Loial speaking at the Stump, Erith claimed wife’s prerogative and overruled her. Covril later made sure that Loial was allowed to speak; she spoke against him but claimed that she agreed with him and was only speaking as devil’s advocate.

  Cowin Gemallan. A Malkieri nobleman also known as Cowin Fairheart. He was a hero almost as well loved as the King, but when the Great Lords had cast the rods for king, only two separated him from Akir, and he never forgot that two men laying a different color on the Crowning Stone would have set him on the throne instead. Jealousy was only part of the problem; Cowin was also a Darkfriend. He plotted with Breyan to move soldiers back from the Blight to seize the Seven Towers, stripping the Borderforts to bare garrisons. Trollocs poured in, and Malkier fell. Cowin was captured and brought to justice by Jain Farstrider, and killed in trial-by-combat by Lan’s father, the King.