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Aiel War (976–978 NE). When King Laman of Cairhien cut down Avendoraldera, four clans of the Aiel crossed the Spine of the World. They looted and burned the capital city of Cairhien as well as many other cities and towns, and the conflict extended into Andor and Tear. By the conventional view, the Aiel were finally defeated at the Battle of the Shining Walls, before Tar Valon; in fact, Laman was killed in that battle, and having done what they came to do, the Aiel recrossed the Spine. See also Avendoraldera, Cairhien and Spine of the World
Aiel warrior societies. Aiel warriors were all members of one of twelve societies. These were Black Eyes (Seia Doon), Brothers of the Eagle (Far Aldazar Din), Dawn Runners (Rahien Sorei), Knife Hands (Sovin Nai), Maidens of the Spear (Far Dareis Mai), Mountain Dancers (Hama N’dore), Night Spears (Cor Darei), Red Shields (Aethan Dor), Stone Dogs (Shae’en M’taal), Thunder Walkers (Sha’mad Conde), True Bloods (Tain Shari) and Water Seekers (Duadhe Mahdi’in). Each had its own customs, and sometimes specific duties. For example, Red Shields acted as police, and Stone Dogs were often used as rear guards during retreats, while Maidens were often scouts. Aiel clans frequently raided and battled one another, but members of the same society would not fight each other if their clans did so. Thus there were always lines of contact between the clans, even during open warfare. See also Aiel
Aiel Waste. The harsh, rugged and all-but-waterless land between the Spine of the World and Shara. It was called the Three-fold Land by the Aiel. Traditionally, few outsiders entered; the Aiel considered themselves at war with all other peoples and did not welcome strangers. Only peddlers, gleemen and the Tuatha’an were allowed safe entry, although Aiel avoided all contact with the Tuatha’an, whom they called “the Lost Ones.” See also Three-fold Land, the
Aiko. A serving woman in the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin when Moiraine was searching for the Dragon Reborn. She assisted Moiraine on her arrival.
Aile Dashar. A Sea Folk island group in the Aryth Ocean, northwest of Arad Doman.
Aile Jafar. A Sea Folk island group in the Aryth Ocean, due west of Tarabon. Sailmistress Coine told Nynaeve that this was one of her destinations.
Aile Somera. A Sea Folk island group in the Aryth Ocean, due west of Toman Head. Sailmistress Coine told Nynaeve that this was one of her destinations. It was captured by the Seanchan.
Ailene Tolvina. The stern innkeeper of The Evening Star in Chachin. Moiraine hired two of her bodyguards for escort to a bank.
Ailhuin Guenna, Mother. A Wise Woman in Tear. Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne stayed with her when they were seeking the Black Ajah; she introduced them to Juilin. When Thom was sick, Mat took him to her.
Ailil Riatin. A Cairhienin noblewoman. She was 5'6" tall, and slim and dignified, with big dark eyes, not young but quite pretty. She was Toram’s younger sister, and it was whispered that she would do anything for Toram, although Verin told Cadsuane that Ailil disliked her brother intensely. Denharad was her Lance-Captain; Rand summoned them to fight in the campaign against the Seanchan, but she failed to convince Rand that her Lance-Captain should take to the field in her place. Ailil and Shalon became pillow friends, a fact that they wanted to hide. After the attack on Rand by the Asha’man, Rand found her with Shalon, tied them up and stuffed them under the bed. Verin learned of Ailil and Shalon’s relationship and told Cadsuane; Cadsuane promised them silence in return for information. Ailil came to support Elayne openly for the Sun Throne.
Ailron Rovere Lukan. The King of Amadicia. He was not as handsome as rumor put him. Despite his grandiose title—Anointed by the Light, King and Defender of Amadicia, Guardian of the Southern Gate—the Children of the Light were the true rulers of Amadicia. He did have an army, and he fretted over the fact that the Whitecloaks had so much power. After the Seanchan invaded Amadicia, Ailron brought them to battle near the town of Jeramel, about a hundred miles east of Amador and a hundred miles west of Abila. The troops were killed or scattered and Ailron and his entire court were killed or captured and made da’covale. Since he had summoned the nobility of Amadicia to his court beforehand, the result was that, effectively, Amadicia had little or no nobility remaining. The battle was known as Ailron’s Disaster.
Ailron’s Disaster. Also known as the Battle of Jeramel, the battle in which the Seanchan defeated the Amadicians and the Children of the Light, leading to Ailron’s death.
Ailys Candwin. An Emond’s Field woman with a neat house.
Aine. The fourth month of the year.
Air. One of the Five Powers. See Five Powers, the
Aisha Raveneos. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah with a strength level of 14(2). Born in 698 NE, she went to the White Tower in 714 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 727 NE. A plain-faced woman who wore lots of jewelry, she adhered to the strictest letter of the law. She was one of the sisters called in by Tamra Ospenya to carry out the secret search for the newborn Dragon Reborn. She and her Warder were killed in Murandy in the spring of 979 NE, reputedly by bandits, but in truth by the Black Ajah.
Aisling Noon. A Tuatha’an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 954 NE, she went to the White Tower in 970 NE. After five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 980 NE. Aisling was born with the spark and (as was Tuatha’an custom), when it was discovered, the caravan headed to Tar Valon, where she was handed over to the White Tower. She was 5'6" tall and fierce-eyed; she was known to pepper her speech with Borderlander curses. She acted as advisor to King Easar of Shienar, but upon learning of the split in the White Tower, she vanished, leaving no message and no clue as to where she could be found. Eventually Aisling returned to the Tower and became a member of the expedition to the Black Tower, where she was captured and bonded by Arel Malevin. They were at Lord Algarin’s manor when the Trollocs attacked and afterward incinerated Trolloc corpses.
Ajah. Societies among the Aes Sedai, seven in number and designated by colors: Blue, Red, White, Green, Brown, Yellow and Gray. All Aes Sedai except the Amyrlin Seat belonged to one. Each followed a specific philosophy of the use of the One Power and the purposes of the Aes Sedai. The Red Ajah bent its energies to finding men who could channel, and to gentling them. The Brown forsook the mundane world and dedicated itself to seeking knowledge, while the White, largely eschewing both the world and the value of worldly knowledge, devoted itself to questions of philosophy and truth. The Green Ajah (called the Battle Ajah during the Trolloc Wars) held itself ready for Tarmon Gai’don, the Yellow concentrated on the study of Healing, and Blue sisters involved themselves with causes and justice. The Gray were mediators, seeking harmony and consensus. A Black Ajah, dedicated to serving the Dark One, was long officially and vehemently denied. Until five hundred years after the founding of the White Tower, “ajah” was lowercase and meant a temporary association for a specific purpose; after the Trolloc Wars it became capitalized and assumed the above meaning.
Ajala, Dermid. A Tairen blacksmith who gave Perrin a hammer as payment for work done in his smithy. He had graying hair, blue eyes and thick arms and shoulders.
Ajalon Bridge. A bridge in Far Madding connecting the city to the mainland via the Caemlyn Gate.
Ajimbura. A Kaensada Hills tribesman who served Furyk Karede as manservant and scout for nearly twenty years. He was about 5'6" to 5'7" tall, and wiry, with blue eyes and white-streaked dark red hair worn in a thick braid that hung to his waist, to make a good trophy if he ever returned home and fell in one of the feuds between families or tribes. Ajimbura looked like a wizened rat, and his grin could be feral. He played a reed flute and carried a long knife. A hunch of the shoulders passed for a bow among his people, the Yngiot tribe of the Kaensada Hills. After more than three hundred years under the Empire, the Kaensada hill tribes still sometimes removed a man’s hair, and his scalp, for a trophy. Karede had nearly killed him three times before he decided to employ him, and Ajimbura became extremely loyal to
Karede, although Karede could never understand why. Ajimbura would eat anything except for lizards, which were forbidden to his tribe for some reason he would never make clear. He speared rats with a long knife in Karede’s quarters at the inn and ate them out of sight. Ajimbura drank from an unwashed silver-mounted cup with a ram’s-horn-patterned silver base; close inspection would reveal that it was made from the top of someone’s skull. Ajimbura rode a lean chestnut with four white feet, which he thought was lucky. Before riding with Karede to meet Thom Merrilin, who Karede thought was leading Mat’s group, he cut off his braid, which in his land would label him a coward; it was a measure of his devotion to Karede. He was eaten alive by rats on the battlefield during the Last Battle, overrun while trying to cull one out for his lunch from a huge swarm of the Dark One’s attacking rodents.
Akarrin Comeris. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 34(22). Born in 801 NE, she went to the White Tower in 816 NE. After eleven years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 829 NE. She taught Moiraine and Siuan when they were novice and Accepted, and was known for having quick eyes. She was slender and nodded for emphasis with almost every other word. She could read residues, and was part of the expedition sent by the rebel Aes Sedai to investigate the site of the huge use of the One Power at Shadar Logoth.
Akashi, Lelaine. See Lelaine Akashi
Akein. The name of the Domani razor mare that Mat gave to Tuon; it is an Old Tongue word meaning “swallow.”
Akima, Chin. The owner of a traveling circus who was beheaded by Masema in Samara for disobeying him.
Akir Mandragoran. The last crowned King of Malkier, and father to Lan Mandragoran. He was betrayed by his sister-in-law Breyan and Cowin Fairheart, a Great Lord of Malkier, and his nation was overrun with Trollocs. He and his wife, el’Leanna, had Lan brought to them in his cradle and gave him a sword and a locket and consecrated him as the next King of Malkier. They then sent him with twenty soldiers to Fal Moran. Al’Akir and el’Leanna were killed at Herot’s Crossing, and Malkier was lost.
Akoure Vayet. An Amadician Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 24(12). She was 5'4" tall and stout, with brown eyes and dark hair. Akoure was a member of the expedition to take the Black Tower, and was captured and bonded by an Asha’man. She sent a report about it to the Gray Ajah in the Tower.
Akuum, River. A river flowing northwest from the Mountains of Mist and joining the River Dhagon just east of Bandar Eban in Arad Doman.
Al Chalidholara Malkier. Old Tongue for “for my sweet land Malkier.” It was the oath Malkieri soldiers took during their first posting to the Border.
Al Ellisande! An Old Tongue expression: “For the Rose of the Sun!” Ellisande, the last queen of Manetheren, was known as the Rose of the Sun.
al’Akir Mandragoran. See Akir Mandragoran
al’Azar. A Two Rivers family name. See Kevrim and Milla al’Azar
al Ban, Thorin al Toren. A king of Manetheren, the father of Caar and grandfather of Aemon.
al’Caar. A Two Rivers family. See Adan, Jac, Jerilin, Nela, Paet, Tod and Wil al’Caar
Al’cair’rahienallen. The Ogier-built capital city of Almoren, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking and the site of Cairhien. Its name was Old Tongue for “Hill of the Golden Dawn.” See also Cairhien
Al’Dai. A Two Rivers family. See Bili, Hu, Lem, Willim and Rad al’Dai
al’Donel, Mistress. An Emond’s Field woman who was concerned that the storks had not returned to Emond’s Field. She also appeared in Nynaeve’s test for the shawl.
Al’ghol. A Trolloc tribe whose symbol was the hooked axe.
al’Hune, Jer. A boy in the Two Rivers whom Mat saved from drowning.
al’Lan Mandragoran. See Lan Mandragoran
al’Landerin, Eleyan. An Aes Sedai of ancient times. A statue of her and her Warders was located on the southwestern side of Tar Valon.
al’Lora family. A hardworking family in the Two Rivers. See Had al’Lora
al’Meara, Nynaeve. See Nynaeve al’Meara
al’Moor, Master. A farmer in the Two Rivers; his scythe blade was broken by Perrin early in his blacksmith training.
al’San, Montem. A Two Rivers man in Perrin’s army.
al’Seen family. A Two Rivers family, some of whom fought in Perrin’s army at Malden.
al’Seen, Astelle. A Two Rivers woman. She was the oldest in her family, and poked Perrin with her cane when he visited Jac al’Seen’s farm.
al’Seen. A Two Rivers family. See Ban, Elisa, Jac, Saml, Susa, Wil and Wit al’Seen
al’Taron, Dael. A young Two Rivers man who joined Perrin’s band. He was killed in a Trolloc ambush.
al’Taron, Mistress. A Two Rivers woman who was Dael’s mother.
al’Thone family. A Two Rivers family. See Azi, Dav and Widow al’Thone
al’Thor, Kari. See Kari al’Thor
al’Thor, Rand. See Rand al’Thor
al’Thor, Tam. See Tam al’Thor
al’Thor’s Banner. A red banner bearing the ancient Aes Sedai symbol, so called by Mat’s Band. It was also called the Banner of Light by Taim.
al’Van, Alwyn. The cobbler in Emond’s Field.
al’Vere. An Emond’s Field family. See Alene, Berowyn, Brandelwyn, Elisa, Egwene, Loise and Marin al’Vere
Ala. An Ogier who was the daughter of Soferra and the mother of Damelle, the last of whom wrote about the Ways.
Alaabar Harnesh. A Murandian Lord Captain of the Children of the Light. He was short and bald, and lost an ear fighting Dragonsworn. After hearing Galad’s argument with Asunawa, Harnesh and other Lords Captain executed Asunawa and proclaimed Galad Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. During the Last Battle, Golever chose him as one of the dozen best men to accompany Galad when Mat sent him to Hawal Ford.
Aladon, Turak. See Turak Aladon
Alaine Chuliandred. A Cairhienin noblewoman, wife of Doressin, who cornered Rand at Barthanes’ party. Her head did not come to Rand’s shoulder, but her array of curls reached his eyes. She was entitled to wear stripes on her dress reaching below her breasts. She later became afraid of Rand, but it didn’t lessen her desire for him. Her House was one of those smaller Houses that met with Colavaere. Because of this, fearing that Rand would move against them for it, she and the rest of her House vigorously courted Caraline Damodred and Toram Riatin, but in what they thought was the strictest secrecy.
Alainia. A plump Amadician silversmith who was taken gai’shain by the Shaido. At Malden she swore to Faile.
Alalved. A chief of the Tomanelle Aiel after the Last Battle, seen in Aviendha’s vision of the future in Rhuidean.
Alamindra Cutren. A member of the Domani Council of Merchants. She went into hiding, but Rhuarc found and held her. Rand ordered her returned to her palace when he left Arad Doman.
Alanna Mosvani. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 951 NE, she went to the White Tower in 967 NE. After six years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 979 NE. She had three Warders: Owein, who was killed by the Whitecloaks in the Two Rivers; Ihvon; and Rand al’Thor, whom she bonded against his will. She was 5'4½" tall, and beautiful and slender, with long black hair and penetrating dark eyes. She was proud and fiery, with a mercurial temper and sense of humor; she could flash from one to the other. Alanna went with Siuan to Fal Dara. She assisted in Healing Mat of his connection to the Shadar Logoth dagger; she had some Healing ability, but not great. She went to the Two Rivers with Verin, hunting young women who could be taught to channel, and helped with the defense of the Two Rivers, then with Verin and those young women went to Caemlyn, where they met Rand. Alanna bonded Rand as a Warder, catching him by surprise and not asking his consent. Because this bonding against his will was akin to rape in the Aes Sedai view, she walked very small among those who knew. Most of those treated
her fairly roughly, with little respect. In many ways, with many sisters, this negated her standing in the social hierarchy; even the lowest felt free to be rough on her, and because Alanna was Aes Sedai, with all the Aes Sedai beliefs, she found herself hard-pressed to fight back except occasionally. After bonding Rand, she began to work with the Salidar embassy under Merana, but was disapproving of the rebellion despite her strong dislike of Elaida. She followed after Rand when he went to Caemlyn and was forced to swear fealty to him after Dumai’s Wells. She fell unconscious when Rand was bonded by Min, Elayne and Aviendha. Rand sent her off to pick up Rafela, Merana and others in Cairhien and proceed to Haddon Mirk in Tear to try talking the rebels there into an agreement. Upon receiving a letter from Verin, Alanna fled north. She was captured, injured and held at Shayol Ghul; Nynaeve healed her enough that she could release the bond before she was killed by Moridin.
alantin. Old Tongue for “Brother”; short for tia avende alantin, which is “Brother to the Trees” or “Treebrother.”
Alar. The Eldest of the Elders of Stedding Tsofu. She was the mother of Iva and the grandmother of Erith. Alar could tell that Rand was ta’veren, which meant he was strong, since such Talents ran weakly in Ogier if at all.
Alarch. Son of Aviendha and Rand, seen in Aviendha’s view of the future in Rhuidean. He had dark hair and was able to channel from a very young age.